Krzysztof Mazur
ARSMEDIALE     Bunker Art Gallery   21-27.11.2001   Cracov
  A bed made with white sheet and a hallow as if left by a sleeping person. When we bring closer the palm of our hand to the hollow, we'll see a fragmentary image of a woman. Apart from the first layer, the image of a human body, there is also another layer images of the interior of human body. In place of the head we'll see the magnetic resonance image of the brain, the animation of ultrasonographic image of heart in place of breasts, and the X-ray image of legs in place of them. Access to the other layer is possible through merging the palm of your hand in the virtual body. All images will vanish when you withdraw your hand. A barely audible sound is assigned to each picture: a breath, a heartbeat…
Colourful Box
Krzysztof Mazur
ARSMEDIALE     Bunker Art Gallery   21-27.11.2001   Cracov
  Crossing the corridor you'll be detected by the sensor. In the same moment the walls and the ceiling (begin simultaneously the screens) will start to move. Thus you'll be forced to change your position, for example to bow. The walls tend to shut, but you can push them out and fight with them to get more room. The nearer are the walls, the more intense is the sound. Pulling your hand out, you can handle the volume of the sound.
  A bed made with white sheet and a hallow as if left by a sleeping person. When we bring closer the palm of our hand to the hollow, we'll see a fragmentary image of a woman. Apart from the first layer, the image of a human body, there is also another layer images of the interior of human body. In place of the head we'll see the magnetic resonance image of the brain, the animation of ultrasonographic image of heart in place of breasts, and the X-ray image of legs in place of them. Access to the other layer is possible through merging the palm of your hand in the virtual body. All images will vanish when you withdraw your hand. A barely audible sound is assigned to each picture: a breath, a heartbeat…
Colourful Box
Krzysztof Mazur
ARSMEDIALE     Bunker Art Gallery   21-27.11.2001   Cracov
  Crossing the corridor you'll be detected by the sensor. In the same moment the walls and the ceiling (begin simultaneously the screens) will start to move. Thus you'll be forced to change your position, for example to bow. The walls tend to shut, but you can push them out and fight with them to get more room. The nearer are the walls, the more intense is the sound. Pulling your hand out, you can handle the volume of the sound.

Colourful Box
Krzysztof Mazur
ARSMEDIALE     Bunker Art Gallery   21-27.11.2001   Cracov
  Crossing the corridor you'll be detected by the sensor. In the same moment the walls and the ceiling (begin simultaneously the screens) will start to move. Thus you'll be forced to change your position, for example to bow. The walls tend to shut, but you can push them out and fight with them to get more room. The nearer are the walls, the more intense is the sound. Pulling your hand out, you can handle the volume of the sound.
  Crossing the corridor you'll be detected by the sensor. In the same moment the walls and the ceiling (begin simultaneously the screens) will start to move. Thus you'll be forced to change your position, for example to bow. The walls tend to shut, but you can push them out and fight with them to get more room. The nearer are the walls, the more intense is the sound. Pulling your hand out, you can handle the volume of the sound.